Rapid Recovery Program

Helping You Improve and Maintain Independence.

Richmond’s Rapid Recovery Program is designed to return you to home or your previous level of independence as quickly as possible. Rehabilitation professionals in partnership with Richmond Health Care Center’s nursing, dietary and social work professionals customize a plan to improve your health, function and quality of life!

Meet our rehabilitation professionals:

By providing a pleasant and professional, yet caring and safe environment for mature adults, we offer the finest rehabilitation services.

Our Rehabilitation Program Also Includes:

Physical Therapy
Your physical therapist will work with you to develop a customized plan to improve your strength, range of motion and balance to maximize your independence with walking and transfers, so you return safely to home. Using advanced technologies and other modalities your physical therapist will help you overcome challenges and give you the confidence to resume your normal daily routine.

Occupational Therapy
Your occupational therapist will meet with you one-on-one and create a personal program to improve your ability to do activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing and meal preparation. The goal of your work with our occupational therapy team is to enable you to return home safely and confident in your independence.

Speech therapy
Richmond Healthcare Center’s Speech Therapist will evaluate your challenges with communication and swallowing and create a therapeutic program to maximize your capabilities. Recovery from a stroke or other neurological disorder which impacts swallowing and communication requires the expertise of a Speech Language Pathologist who can help you regain your independence and increase the chances that you can return home.

Our therapy department utilizes a variety of rehabilitation modalities including:

  • Parallel Bars
  • Mock Stairs
  • xercise Mats/Benches
  • Diathermy E-Stim
  • Vital Stim
  • Ultrasound
  • Cold and Warm Therapy
  • Weights
  • and Many others.